Welcome to Reception where your child's journey begins
There are two Reception Classes, the Ladybirds and the Bees. We have an broad, active and fun curriculum which addresses the children‘s social, emotional, physical, intellectual, moral and cultural development within a safe, secure, stimulating environment.
The Early Years curriculum is divided into seven Prime and Specific areas of learning. The Prime areas are the foundation that runs through and supports learning in all other areas. These three areas are Personal, Emotional and Social Development, Communication and Language and Physical development. The remaining four Specific areas grow out of these and provide important contexts for learning. They are Literacy, Mathematics, Understanding the World and Expressive Art and Design.
We offer a range of exciting topics, such as "Once upon a time", "All creatures Great and Small", and "If you go down to the woods today". We value outdoor learning, having a weekly "forest school" in our extensive outdoor grounds.
We believe that play, both indoors and outdoors, is the fundamental way in which young children learn. We offer engaging cross curricular topics, following the seven areas of learning, to allow all children to thrive. With a careful balance of modelled, taught and self-directed activities, we see children grow in confidence and strive to achieve. The children are involved in their learning. This can be enjoyable and challenging. Using play as a vehicle the children are independent and engaged.
Reception Teachers
Mrs Greening
Mrs Swainston
Reception Support Staff
Mrs Crouch
Miss Mitchell
Miss James