Welcome to our Year 1 page.
You will find…
- Phonics and English
- Maths
- Topics
- Walks
- Behaviour
The Curriculum
Phonics is a big part of the Year 1 curriculum and there will be a lot of work based on phonics throughout the year. We teach phonics following the Read Write Inc scheme.
The children will have twice daily phonics lessons and will be assessed in phonics from early on. Once the children have been assessed on their phonics knowledge they will then be put into phonics groups (sets) and will have their phonics taught to them with children who are in the same set. We mix the children with the Year 2 when phonics is being taught.
Our English teaching goes hand in hand with the phonics and the children stay in their phonics groups for English. Here they will have lessons taken from Oxford Owl.
The children get assessed in phonics every term and will then be placed in the correct phonics/English group. These groups are very fluid and the children can move groups every term.
In our Maths teaching the children have plenty of opportunities to have practical experiences. The children will cover a wide range of mathematical concepts. We spend time working on number, addition and subtraction. The children also look at time, shape and measure. The children always have the opportunity to use resources, such as numicon, number lines and other resources.
In year 1 we cover a wide range of exciting topics spanning History, Geography, ICT, Art, PSHE, Design Technology, Science, P.E. and RE. For more information please click here
In Year 1 the children are able to go on weekly walks around the local area. This can be in the woods, to the play park, the fire station, the library and the St Mary's Church (as well as other walks). The walks all depend on having enough adult helpers to join us.
We follow the schools behaviour policy.
Within both classes the children are able to earn stickers, team points and class points. The class points are 'Strive for 25' and when the class have achieved 25 points the class then get a whole class reward.
Year 1 Teachers
Mrs Downey
Miss Miah
Year 1 Support Staff
Mrs Barnard
Mrs Kruger