Welcome to Year 4
Where we aim to give children lots of new and exciting learning experiences linked to our curriculum topics. As the children progress through the year we encourage and support them in becoming more independent learners, who can take responsibility for their learning and behaviour.
The Curriculum
Year 4 teaches some great science topics that children love, such as; food chains, habitats, digestive system, sound, electricity, and states of matter. Fun and engaging history topics are taught, including; the Romans and the Battle of Hastings where we visit the battle field and walk the path that Normans and Saxons walked before us, helping to fire the children’s imagination. Children also have the opportunity to take up swimming lessons offsite to improve their physical education development.
In Maths and English, we aim to ensure children know particular key skills: apostrophes, fronted adverbials, times tables, handwriting and key spellings are just some of the things children are expected to use accurately. Reading is important and we encourage children to read for at least 30 minutes a day. Some of these skills are centred around Harry Potter and a visit to the studios which enhances the children’s creative writing.
Overall, Year 4 is about learning skills which are vital for Year 5, Year 6, and progression to secondary school. That is how their learning changes from the beginning to the end of the year.
Year 4 Teachers
Mrs Wapshott
Miss Stanley
Year 4 Support Staff
Mrs Morris
Mrs Holt