Welcome to wonderful Year 2!
In our year group we really focus on developing our independence skills across the curriculum. Our English lessons are combined with our topic work, this gives us much needed opportunities to utilise our enquiry skills, read both fiction and non-fiction, cover our English key objectives and practice our spelling.
The Curriculum
We have phonics every day using Read, Write Inc, which is grouped according to the child's stage and development. These groups are reviewed regularly and progressive adjustments made.
Our topics across the curriculum include; Florence Nightingale, The Great Fire of London, Healthy Eating, Joining materials, Van Gogh, The Day the Crayons Quit, Battle and Barbados to name but a few. We are very busy working all year but of course we are required to sit the statutory assessments called SAT's. These take place in May.
In Year 2, we love PSHE and use the JIGSAW scheme of work, this of course covers our RSE. We are so proud of the children in our classes and enjoy using the whole school approach to behaviour, giving out HOT CHOCOLATE every Friday for children in our 'Always club'. We 'Strive for 25' to earn diamonds for great choices and lovely rewards!
Year 2 Teachers
Miss Mooney
Mrs Bambrough
Year 2 Support Staff
Mrs Stern
Mrs Hutson