Children With Special Educational Needs
Our Special Needs Policy defines a child as having special educational needs if he or she has “A learning difficulty which calls for special educational provision to be made for them.” A child has a learning difficulty if they:
have a significantly greater difficulty in learning than the majority of children the same age
have a disability which prevents or hinders them from making use of educational facilities of a kind provided for children of the same age in school.
We believe that early identification of such children is important in order to make appropriate provision for their educational needs. Therefore, from the time a child enters the school, teachers keep a check on their pupils’ progress, behaviour and social interaction. If there is cause for concern, the matter will be discussed by the class teacher, parents/carers, and the Assistant Head. The child will then be placed on the SEN Support register and parents will be officially informed.
Admission of Children With Disabilities
At Battle and Langton C.E. Primary School we value our approach to providing the highest quality learning opportunities to all children, irrespective of race, gender, socio-economic background or any other factor which might act as a barrier to learning. The Disability Discrimination Act defines a disabled person as one who has "a physical or mental impairment, which has a substantial and long-term adverse effect on a person's ability to carry out normal day-to-day activities." This would include, for example, sensory impairments affecting sight and hearing, learning disabilities, severe disfigurements and progressive conditions where impairments are likely to become substantial. Most children with special educational needs will not be disabled within the meaning of the Act.
Here at Battle and Langton we pride ourselves in being an inclusive school. We work very hard to provide the best possible learning opportunities for all our children, including those with Special Educational Needs. We meet the needs of children in different ways:
Teacher differentiation and scaffolding.
In normal classroom environments, teachers provide activities and learning that is suitable to the needs of their children, and challenges them to learn at a faster rate. Teachers provide support for children to challenge themselves through additional adult support, materials such as word banks or task planners, or alternative recording methods such as using a computer program.
Individual or group support.
For some children, in some subjects, the school may deem it necessary for children to receive more support and will timetable a learning support assistant to work with the child 1-1, or 1-2.
Specialist Nurture Provision (The Pod):
In September 2014, we opened our self-funded Learning Support Pod. A few children with highly complex learning needs are taught by a specialist teacher, a deputy teacher who specialises in pastoral support and a team of teaching assistants. They are attached to a year group class, which they join regularly (with adult support), but their main learning happens in the Pod through specially planned activities. These activities are targeted at the particular needs of the children and taught completely through a multi-sensory approach. Other children join the Pod either regularly or when the needs arise, for lessons or for some quiet time to work, away from normal classroom conditions. From 2019, this project was recognised as excellent practice, and has attracted some additional Local Authority funding to extend our expertise in order to support other local schools.
SENCO / Inclusions Manager
Mrs Crocker
Specialist Nurture Provision Team
Mrs Reeves
Mrs Chalmers
Mrs Davis
Miss Thomson
Mrs Palmer